Posted by Jason on January 05, 1997 at 12:54:16:
In Reply to: Re: Science Education crisis posted by Tyler Bradley on January 05, 1997 at 03:38:52:
: I do find a remarkable consonance btw. the Big Bang theory and the Genesis account though. "Let there be light" and the idea of pure energy in the first 10[-60] sec. (before it crystallized into particles and matter). Gifted insight, I'd venture to say.
Yes, I've heard this one before. I still think the comparison seems a little vague
though. In addition, I've read that the universe was opaque for one million years
after the Big Bang event. At t= 1 million years, photons then no longer had the
energy to keep protons and electrons apart, allowing the universe to become
transparent (hence, visible light).
Perhaps the OT writer should have said, "Let there be energy," or perhaps "Let there
be a single point."